Version 1.0

HashKey DID API for public

Path Details

  • API Endpoint:


  • Summary User DID Exists

  • Description Check if user already has a HashKey DID


  • application/json

  // 0x address
  addr: string
  • application/xml

  addr?: string


  • 200 User Created


  // 200 is success
  code?: integer
  data: {
    // User DID status, "1" is normal.
    status?: string
    // true is existed
    exitFlag?: boolean
    // User'guides DID when existed.
    did?: string
  msg?: string
  • Examples

    • example-1

  "value": {
    "code": 0,
    "data": {
      "status": "string",
      "exitFlag": true,
      "did": "string"
    "msg": "string"
  • 400 Missing Required Information

  • 409 Email Already Taken

  • undefined




  • Summary DID exist on chain

  • Description Check if a DID already has been taken


did?: string


  • 200 OK


  // 200 is success
  code?: integer
  // true when DID existed on chain
  data?: boolean
  msg?: string


  • Summary Get DID info

  • Description Get DID info


  • 200 OK


  code?: integer
  data: {
    id?: integer
	// DID for user
    did?: string
	// Address for user
    addr?: string
	// Token ID for user in DID nft contract
    tokenId?: string
    userInfo: {
      userId?: integer
	  // Nickname for user
      nickname?: string
	  // DID card url for user. Full url with protocol and host.
      photoUrl?: string
	  // User card background number
      backgroundNumber?: integer
	  // User card backfrount number
      backfrontNumber?: integer
	  // Avatar url for user. Full url with protocol and host.
      headUrl?: string
      photoParts?: string
	// User following count
    followingTotal?: integer
	// User follower count
    followerTotal?: integer
	// Time for DID claimed at
    claimAt?: string
  msg?: string


  • Summary Get DID info By Address

  • Description Get DID info By Address


  • 200 OK


  code?: integer
  data: {
    id?: integer
	// DID for user
    did?: string
	// Address for user
    addr?: string
	// Token ID for user in DID nft contract
    tokenId?: string
    userInfo: {
      userId?: integer
	  // Nickname for user
      nickname?: string
	  // DID card url for user. Full url with protocol and host.
      photoUrl?: string
	  // User card background number
      backgroundNumber?: integer
	  // User card backfrount number
      backfrontNumber?: integer
	  // Avatar url for user. Full url with protocol and host.
      headUrl?: string
      photoParts?: string
	// User following count
    followingTotal?: integer
	// User follower count
    followerTotal?: integer
	// Time for DID claimed at
    claimAt?: string
  msg?: string


  • Summary List OSTs for did


  • 200 OK


  code?: integer
  data: {
    id?: integer
    userId?: integer
    // OST name
    name?: string
    assetType?: integer
    assetValue?: integer
    // OST index
    idIndex?: integer
    // OST Contract Address
    contactAddr?: string
    // OST Owner Address
    ownerAddr?: string
    // OST Token ID
    tokenId?: string
    // OST Metadata
    nftData?: string
    // OST Mint transaction hash 
    txHash?: string
	// Image URL for OST. Full URL with protocol and host
    imageUrl?: string
	// External URL for OST if exists in metadata. Full URL with protocol and host
    externalUrl?: string
	// Animation URL for OST if exists in metadata. Full URL with protocol and host
    animationUrl?: string
	// Chain Name, any of ["Ethereum", "PlatON", "Klaytn"]
    chainName?: string
    deedgrainActivityId?: integer
    createdAt?: string
    updatedAt?: string
	// Activity Key, if you want give user a mint link, you could use this key in url. Format is{activityKey}
    activityKey?: string
  msg?: string


  • Summary List User NFTs


pageNum?: integer
pageSize?: integer


  • 200 OK


  code?: integer
  data: {
    code?: integer
    error_code?: string
    msg?: string
    data: {
      pageNum?: integer
      pageSize?: integer
      total?: integer
      list: {
        id?: integer
        ownerAddr?: string
        contractAddress?: string
        tokenId?: string
        tokenUrl?: string
        image?: string
        imageData?: string
        externalUrl?: string
        description?: string
        name?: string
        attributes?: string
        backgroundColor?: string
        animationUrl?: string
        youtubeUrl?: string
        imageUrl?: string
        floor?: string
        contractName?: string
        chainName?: string
        lastTransferTime?: string
        createdAt?: string
        updatedAt?: string
  msg?: string



  id?: integer
  did?: string
  addr?: string
  tokenId?: string
  userInfo: {
    userId?: integer
    nickname?: string
    photoUrl?: string
    backgroundNumber?: integer
    backfrontNumber?: integer
    headUrl?: string
    photoParts?: string
    createdAt?: string
    updatedAt?: string
    ldz?: string
  createdAt?: string
  updatedAt?: string
  status?: string
  loginToken?: string
  followingTotal?: integer
  followerTotal?: integer
  claimAt?: string
  chainName?: string


  id?: integer
  userId?: integer
  name?: string
  assetType?: integer
  assetValue?: integer
  idIndex?: integer
  contactAddr?: string
  ownerAddr?: string
  tokenId?: string
  nftData?: string
  txHash?: string
  imageUrl?: string
  externalUrl?: string
  animationUrl?: string
  chainName?: string
  deedgrainActivityId?: integer
  createdAt?: string
  updatedAt?: string
  activityKey?: string


  id?: integer
  ownerAddr?: string
  contractAddress?: string
  tokenId?: string
  tokenUrl?: string
  image?: string
  imageData?: string
  externalUrl?: string
  description?: string
  name?: string
  attributes?: string
  backgroundColor?: string
  animationUrl?: string
  youtubeUrl?: string
  imageUrl?: string
  floor?: string
  contractName?: string
  chainName?: string
  lastTransferTime?: string
  createdAt?: string
  updatedAt?: string

Last updated