
Set Transferable

Credential could be transferable or non-transferable. The function can reverse it. Can only be invoked by issuer or HashKey DID.

function reverseTransferable() public onlyControllers;

Set Supply

The supply of a credential can be fixed. Can only be invoked by issuer or HashKey DID.

function setSupply(uint256 tokenId, uint256 supply) public onlyControllers;
  • tokenId: DID token id

  • supply: max supply


Retrieve the tokenURI (i.e., the link to the metadata) associated with a given tokenId.

function uri(uint256 tokenId) public view override returns (string memory);
  • tokenId: DID token id

Issue DeedGrain

An institution can obtain evidence signed by a HashKey DID and use that evidence to issue DeedGrain.

function issueDG (string memory _name, string memory _symbol, string memory _baseUri, bytes memory _evidence, bool _transferable) public;
  • _name: credential name

  • _symbol: credential symbol

  • _baseUri: credential baseUri

  • _evidence: signature signed by HashKey DID

  • _transferable: whether DeedGrain is transferable

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