
Check DID Name

Check whether a DID name has been claimed or not.

function didClaimed(string memory did) public view returns (bool);
  • did: DID name

Verify DID Format

To verify the DID format, ensure that the DID name has a length between 5 and 54 characters, and only contains the characters 0-9 and lowercase letters a-z.

function verifyDIDFormat(string memory did) public pure returns (bool);
  • did: DID name

Check address

Check whether an address has been claimed or not.

function addrClaimed(address addr) public view returns(bool);
  • addr: user address


Retrieve the DID name by token id.

function tokenId2Did(uint256 tokenId) public view returns (string memory);
  • tokenId: token id

Get DID tokenId

Retrieve the token id by DID name.

function did2TokenId(string memory did) public view returns (uint256);
  • did: DID name

Get issuer address

Retrieve the issuer address by DeedGrain contract address.

function deedGrainAddrToIssur(address dgAddr) public view returns(address);
  • dgAddr: DeedGrain contract address

Get all authorization addresses

Retrieve all authorization addresses for specific DID.

function getAuthorizedAddrs(uint256 tokenId) public view returns (address[] memory);
  • tokenId: DID token id

Check if address authorized

Check whether a DID has been authorized to the address or not.

function isAddrAuthorized(uint256 tokenId, address addr) public view returns (bool);
  • tokenId: DID token id

  • addr: authorization address

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